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Samsung SW70SP washing machine

The Shonky for Wash not, waste not goes to... Samsung SW70SP.

samsung washing machine
CHOICE staff
CHOICE staff


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After testing hundreds of washing machines over the years, the 7kg Samsung SW70SP top-loading machine takes the prize for water consumption. 

The Shonky prize, that is, and that's nothing to cheer about.

Using 224L of water on its auto-sensing mode to wash a 3.5kg load of clothes earned the machine a score of 0% for water efficiency. 

With a 4-star official water rating, the Samsung sits mid pack among its mates, but this is calculated using a standard test, not the autosensor program we tested – and we believe consumers would use. 

Meanwhile, the top-scoring machines overall used only one-quarter of that amount of water, while the most water-frugal machine, the 10kg LG WD14060D6 front loader, used only 37L!

We know what you're thinking: more water means a better wash, right? 

Wrong. In fact at 62%, its score for dirt removal is one of the lowest on test. 

Its rinse score, however, is another story at 99%. 

Yep, it ranks numero uno for rinsing, absolutely trouncing the opposition with the runner-up scoring a mere 98% with a few equal-thirds lagging way behind on 97%. 

All right, so it's not that much better than the rest, but a win's a win, eh Black Caviar? 

Meanwhile, our desert dwellers' delight, the LG, scored 78% for dirt removal and a not-too-shabby 82% for rinsing.

The good news is that Samsung can shake off its reputation as The Great Imitator – it's out on its own with this one!