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Shonky for Customer Care Excellence goes to... Citibank.

shonkys hall of shame 2008
CHOICE staff
CHOICE staff


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We love the banks. 

They're so creative in taking consumers for a ride – we couldn't make up half the stuff if we tried. 

Take this one. 

If you have a Citibank credit card, you'll get a maximum of 55 interest-free days – to start with. 

If you then refuse to reward the bank by paying interest on your purchases, but pay off your credit card bill in full by the due date for 10 out of 12 months, Citibank reduces the maximum interest-free period to 44 days.

They penalise you for paying them in full and on time. 

Having fewer days to pay will make it more likely that some customers will then struggle to pay on time – and be subjected to Citibank's late payment fee of $40, one of the highest on the market.

It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. 

Customer care? 

More a case of: customers – who cares?